Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Triassic ornithischians remains are rare

Laquintasaura venezuelae was able to feed on insects and possibly small prey that her diet has most likely been primarily herbivorous.

The Triassic ornithischians remains are rare

The animal did nothing spectacular. It should be about 1 m long, with a height of 25 cm. Called Laquintasaura venezuelae , it was probably herbivorous , though its teeth indicate that on occasion it was not to disdain the insects . What made ​​the price of this discovery is first that it is the first dinosaur found in northern South America. The presence of his cousins ​​in Argentina is, she attested long. This is not just any dinosaur because it is a ornithischien , a famous group that spawned the triceratops and stegosaurus therefore have a common ancestor with Laquintasaura venezuelae .

Someone fossilized remains of Laquintasaura venezuelaeont shown that patterns and their positions on the reconstruction of part of its skeleton.

Yet we know little Triassic ornithischians (three species in the Late Triassic), as well as the beginning of the Jurassic . They are mostly members of the second major group, the saurischians , known to us from that time. Leftover Laquintasaura venezuelae are a new door that opens on the first dinosaurs and their separation into two main groups, the ornithischians and saurischians. The fossils found suggest that these small dinosaurs lived in herds. If that were the case, this is an important finding that would set back at least 40 million years in the past the appearance of this social behavior in ornithischians dinosaurs.

The discovery also questions the geographical distribution of ornithischians. Indeed, paleontologists thought they previously lived only in the regions of Pangaea average high latitudes , those closer to the equator seemed inhospitable. Obviously, they were wrong.

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